A free beginners and Resource Guide that teaches you how to Extreme Coupon, Couponing 101, and provides Free Printable Grocery Coupons as well as Coupon Policies, Coupon Lingo & much more! Even experienced couponers may use this as a refresher course and/or to learn new techniques. Using coupons will save you tons of money on groceries, and I’ve got the information and the resources to get you on your way. Whether you just want to purchase 2 newspapers each Sunday and do it on an average basis; or you’ve been watching Extreme Couponing and you’re ready to stockpile to the extreme; or something in-between the two, the techniques are basically the same. By the end of this course, you will know how to start extreme couponing or regular couponing and you will begin to put a major dent in what are most people's second highest expense... Groceries! Ready to go? Let's learn how to coupon and save!
What You’ll Need:
Only you know what stores are in your area and closest to your home. Once you see how much you can save, you’ll be on a Shopping High! You might want to scoop up every deal at every store, every week. Uh uh uh… Slow your roll, cowpoke! It can’t be done. Many of us in the beginning have tried and failed. It would consume your life to try and do this at 3 Grocery Stores and 3 Drug Stores. You must limit yourself to one Grocery Store and 1 Drug Store and master those first. Then you can branch out. Pick ones that you’re comfortable in, near your home, where the staff is not too harsh about couponers. After a few trips to different stores, you’ll find the right ones. I’ve narrowed mine down to Walmart (because they have great everyday prices); Publix (because they offer BOGO deals weekly, they’re extremely coupon friendly, they accept competitors coupons, the store is clean and near my home, and the employees are friendly); CVS (because they have SO many ways that you can save money, the staff is friendly, the stores are clean, and I like their ExtraBucks program); and Dollar Tree (because I love Dollar Tree and they now accept Manufacturer's coupons). I confess that I would shop at Target more often, but they are not close to my home.
If your store offers a Loyalty Program and/or program card, we suggest that you sign up for it in order to get the additional product savings that it will provide. Also, some coupons, such as with Cellfire, can be loaded to your store's loyalty card. Check our listing to see if your store is listed here. If it is not, visit their website.
First, you need to know that there are two types of coupons:
This is the basic formula and strategy that will lead you to savings. This in itself is easy to learn, so read it over two or three times before proceeding and MASTER IT!
Formula for Savings
Purchase the item when it’s on Sale -or- BOGO-buy one get one free
+ Coupon(s): Manufacturer and/or Store Coupon –AND- doubling, tripling and stacking of coupon(s) if your store allows!
+ Store Loyalty Card (if your store has one)
+ Cash Back Coupon Offers (if there are any) (i.e., Checkout51, SavingStar, etc.)
As shown in the formula, it’s important in your savings strategy to combine sales with coupons.
Over the years, I have found out which questions tend to be asked the most, so I've put together a list of Frequently Asked Couponing Questions that may be of help to you. Please visit the page here. This page will open in a separate window, so that you can continue the How to Coupon Course with ease.
If you shop there regularly, and you shop around the same times each week, try to get to know the Manager(s) by first name. It’s good to do this before you run into an issue with your coupons (AND YOU WILL!), so that they will be more friendly and receptive to helping you with the issue. Ask to see them to ask a question or two about their Coupon Policy and then introduce yourself. Ask about their Buy 10 for $10 specials or something and ask if you only purchase one, will the register still ring it up for $1.00, or must you purchase 10 to get the sale price? Or, ask if they can special order products in large quantities for you, so that you don’t empty their shelves for other shoppers? Ask if they accept competitor’s coupons, and if so, which competitors? Tell them that you’re an avid coupon shopper and that you’ll be in regularly and that you’re happy to meet them.
If you have someone available to go shopping with you (other than small children) on really large shopping trips, drag them along! This is mainly important at the Cash Register. Sometimes stores have a limit on the amount of coupons you can use in one transaction, or a maximum dollar amount of coupons you can use in one transaction, so you’ll need to split your purchases into 2 transactions with possibly 2 people. Some Cashiers and Stores will let you get away with doing multiple transactions/receipts by yourself. But, there’s another reason to have someone else with you on larger trips… while they’re loading the items onto the belt, you can be watching the Cashier and the Screen. Make certain that Sale Items ring up at the correct price, that BOGOs ring up correctly, and make certain that the Cashier rings up ALL of your coupons. Cashier’s have skipped some of my coupons when I wasn’t watching, or when I asked my husband to watch, and he later (after we got home) told me, I saw her put that one to the side – I WON’T YELL NOW (by the way, it was a $5.00 coupon)! If they have a problem scanning a coupon and put it to the side, and you aren’t paying attention, more than likely, they may not come back to it. Needless to say, now HE loads the belt and I watch the Cashier (lol).
If you’ve got a large haul and a stack of coupons and you know that it’s going to take the cashier some time, be polite and let anyone who comes behind you in line know that you’ve got a lot of coupons and it may be awhile. Usually, they’ll go find another line, but some folks choose to wait it out, until they finally get frustrated and leave. Hey, at least you forewarned them, right! I’ve had a few smart cashiers at Target that will close the register by cutting off their light temporarily until my transaction is finished, because I show them upfront that I’ve got a lot of coupons.
Is there a great sale on one or several items, but when you get to the store, the shelf is empty? Darn couponers beat you to the deals! :-) Don’t fret my babies…(as long as your coupon doesn’t expire that day.) All hail the Power of the Rain Check! Make note as you’re shopping of everything that they’re out of. Then before you leave the store, head over to the Customer Service counter. Tell them that you need Rain Check(s) for item(s) that were out-of-stock. They’ll ask you the specific item(s), the sale price and the quantity that you want. I usually ask them what their maximum quantity is, then have them put down that number, because you can always get less. But if the item is free or near-free with coupons, you’ve just bought yourself some more time to get more coupons if you’d like. Most stores limit the amount of items that you can get a Rain Check for, per person. For example, if you want 20 Lysol Hand Sanitizers, they may tell you they can only give you a maximum of 10. If you need more than they will give you, and you have your spouse or other person with you, have them get a separate rain check for the same item (that’s how you work around that system).
Some stores also put an expiration date on their Rain Checks, so be certain that you get back to the store before the Rain Check expires AND before your coupons (that you should be using along with this sale to maximize your savings) expires. Note: Stores will not give you a Rain Check on Clearance Items. When you redeem your Rain Checks, either put the Rain Check on the belt before the item, or verbally let the Cashier know, because she/he will need to manually enter the price for this item. And WATCH to make sure they do, or you might be charged the regular price!
After the 1st of each month, go through your coupons and remove all coupons that expired at the end of the previous month. If you wish, you can donate these expired coupons to Military Families overseas (see instructions here). Also, most coupon companies, like Coupons.com load the majority of their new coupons at the beginning of the month, so come back here between the 1st and 4th and print the new coupons each month.
You will have highs and lows during your shopping trips. Here are just a few:
The lows: the time it takes, the various and ever-changing Coupon Policies of each store; the Cashiers who don’t want to deal with coupons or don’t know how to deal with coupons; the sore feet (especially if you wore them dang high heels, diva); the missing items from the shelf, and lastly, the long check-out times.
The highs: The sheer joy, excitement of getting $300 worth of groceries for less than $100.00, or $100 worth for less than $25, or $30 worth of products for $5. Sometimes I walk out of a store, look to my husband and say, “It’s like I’m stealing!” But I did it all legitimately, and you can too! If you’re in a State that allows doubling of coupons, the deals can be even sweeter! Even with the lows, and the occasional nasty Cashier, I walk out of those stores doing the happy dance with a basket full of food, health and beauty items, cleaning products, over-the-counter medications, snacks and more for my family at 50 to 100% less than what it should have cost me! I’m doing the happy dance and no-one can tell me a thing!!!
Okay, let’s face it, this can become addictive! Saving money and getting all of these things for free or nearly free is A TOTAL RUSH!!! I mean really! We all could become a Television series if we don’t keep things in balance. Let’s not go from Extreme Couponing to Extreme Hoarding. Saving money is one thing, and running our families out of our homes because they’re filled with stuff is another! Keep it in check people. Stay fanatical about saving, not hoarding. When you’ve got 5 years worth of Spaghetti Sauce and the Spaghetti Sauce is vibrating on the shelf because it’s way past its expiration date, you’ve gone too far – lol. Rotate and Donate so you can Navigate – I came up with that on my own -- genius, right?! ☺
Stores must try and make certain that they only accept authentic coupons from customers/consumers, because they will not be reimbursed by the manufacturer for fraudulent, fake coupons.
It's pretty easy for Retailers to identify a newspaper-printed coupon, but computer-printed coupons are what is causing the majority of the problems. There are a number of counterfeit coupons being circulated on the internet. This is a criminal offense, and offenders can be prosecuted.
There are ways to identify a legitimate industry-standard format internet coupon, because they will have the following details:
- Copy detection and anti-copy technology is built-in.
- Contains a product image.
- A watermark taken from the product shot - shows through semi-transparent behind text (behind the dollar amount of coupon, i.e. Save $1.00).
- Nonstandard fonts discourage alteration.
- A pattern behind the expiration date reveals alteration (on Coupons.com coupons).
- Encrypted unique serial number in 2-D barcode (on Coupons.com coupons).
- Unique coupon info including print time stamp repeated throughout coupon (on Coupons.com and SmartSource coupons). If you look closely, this is used as the border/frame of the coupon.
This greatly increases effort needed to alter or deface.
As a new couponer, you must know that there are some no-no's or Commandments in the coupon game!
- Though shall not copy a coupon (in order to make additional copies). If you try, these coupons will likely be rejected as fake.
- Though shall not scan a coupon (in order to make additional copies).
There is also an industry watchdog group, called The Coupon Information Corporation that keeps a list of fraudulent coupons on its website located at: Coupon Information Corporation
Have you ever wondered about the voyage a coupon takes from inception, to redemption, and where it goes after you hand it to a Cashier? Well, I'll try to provide that answer without boring you into a coma ☺.
Here is how to proceed next:
Your next section should be our "Couponing Resources" section (see the left column of the site).
Some sections, like the "Coupon Insert Schedule" and "Sunday Coupon Preview" are simply for glancing at (for now), and will take you no time at all - they are for your later use, but you need to know what they are, and that they are there. Many couponers find them useful - especially extreme couponers.
In the"Grocery Loyalty Programs" tab, you will check to see if any of your local Grocery Store's offer Loyalty programs, and if they do, you will use the link provided to sign up.
In the "Store Coupon Policies" section, you will use the links provided to print the Coupon Policies of all of the stores that you intend to regularly coupon shop at.
If you're interested in using Cash Back coupons, and I highly suggest that you do; also in the Learn How to Coupon section are "How To" pages for several Cash Back Coupon programs. Learn to use these on your computer and/or cell phone, and you'll save much more money!
When you've completed the series, you can go to the "Free Grocery Coupons" section and get free printable grocery coupons, eCoupons and Cash Back coupons anytime! You can also access the coupons from the Coupon Center below. This Coupon Center will appear on most coupon-related pages of this site, for your easy access.
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Enter your Zip Code to see if this discounter can offer you a better rate (on one or more newspapers) than you're currently paying.
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Have you noticed that the overwhelming majority of Printable Coupons are now for Non-Food, Non-Edible Items (Cleaning Supplies, OTC Vitamins/Meds/Creams, Hair Care, Bodily Care & Dental Care Products, Paper Products, etc.).
IBOTTA to our rescue! It's a cashback site/app that offers hundreds of grocery coupons
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